This webinar will be held in the March 20th, by 14:00 GMT (15:00 CET)
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For several years, thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been widely adopted in the display industry (e.g., LCD, OLED, µ-LED, VR/AR) but more recently, other areas have emerged where this technology is relevant, from analog and digital integrated circuits to large-area electronics on low-cost flexible substrates, resulting in a paramount of applications that includes flexible/wearable devices, biosensors, and neuromorphic computation.
The work presented at this seminar is being developed within the European Project “Fully Oxide-based Zero-Emission and Portable Energy Supply”. FOXES project aims to establish a new eco-friendly paradigm for powering wireless devices of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the goal is to develop a compact “Power Cube”, a device that combines a high-efficiency solar cell with a multilayer capacitor and an energy management circuit (EMC) able to ensure full energy-autonomous operation of an IoT sensor node.
The seminar will be focused on the design of the oxide TFT based EMC which harvests energy from the solar cell, boost and stores it in the thin-film capacitor, and generates three regulated output voltages for the IoT node with an overall conversion efficiency above 50%.

This webinar will be hosted by Hugo Viana.
He is a Micro and Nanotechnology engineer, who obtained his degree from NOVA School of Science and Technology in January 2022. His master’s thesis is titled “Implementation of Active Inductors with Oxide Thin-Film Transistors and Integration into Oscillator Circuits”, under the supervision of Prof. Pedro Barquinha and Prof. Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni.
In May 2022, Hugo started as Research Fellow at UNINOVA-CTS in collaboration with CENIMAT under the Portuguese national project, IDS-Paper (PTDC/CTM-PAM/4241/2020), with Prof. João Goes as his supervisor. He also cooperated with the European project FOXES (European Community’s H2020 program, grant agreement no. 951774). During this time, he had the opportunity to supervise BSc students on oxide TFT circuit design. Hugo has been developing multiple circuits using oxide TFT technology, such as oscillators, comparators, DC-DC converters among others.
At the beginning of 2024, he started his Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at NOVA University of Lisbon. This consists mainly of the design and experimental evaluation of an Incremental-Zoom Analog-to-Digital Converter for the Internet-of-things, under the supervision of Prof. João Goes and Prof. Pedro Barquinha. The goal is to develop this circuitry using deep-nanoscale and oxide TFT technologies.