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In the frame of the Synergy EU Project project (H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5), several opportunities for secondments are being promoted in four renowned European Research Institutes (Fraunhofer IKTS – Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme, POLITO – Politecnico di TorinoTyndall National Institute – University College Cork, and VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland).

Each Institute is proposing different themes, directed at Masters Students, PhD Students and Post-Doc Students in Materials Sciences and Engineering, Micro- and Nanotechnologies, Energy Systems and Energy Power Control from the PT-Cluster (CEMOP-UNINOVA and associated lab I3N).

Deadline and submission: The call is open from 30-Jan-2023 to 10-Feb-2023. The applications must be sent by email to

Find out more information concerning the proposed themes and how to get involved here!