Luís Pereira, cluster manager of SYNERGY project, is the new candidate for the position of coordinator of the Regional College of Materials Engineering- South Region
Professor Elvira is awarded one of three gold medals
Ordem dos Engenheiros , or Order of Engineers, celebrated 85 years of existence as a Professional Order on November the 24th. Celebrations took place at the ‘Cold Greenhouse of Lisbon’ on November the 27th. One of the three Gold Medals was awarded to SYNERGY Coordinator, Professor Elvira Fortunato.
For more information visit
Pedro Barquinha hosts a webinar on ‘Sustainable thin film and nanostructured oxides for flexible and autonomous electronics’
On November 24th 2021 at 5pm (GMT), Professor Pedro Barquinha hosted a webinar on “Sustainable thin film and nanostructured oxides for flexible and autonomous electronics”. The Portuguese Society of Materials has announced a cycle of online conferences, focused on “Research on Materials within the scope of ERC grants”, bringing together a group of Portuguese researchers to host conferences funded by the European Research Council.The conferences will run for one year and will take place on the last Wednesday of each month by 5 pm (GMT), with an approximate duration of 60 minutes.
To participate in future conferences, visit our social media pages: LinkedIn and Twitter
Ms. Sabrina Trano participates in the Merck Young Chemists’ Symposium 2021
Ms. Sabrina Trano participates in the Merck Young Chemists’ Symposium 2021
Ms. Sabrina Trano, a research assistant on SYNERGY project, participated in the Merck Young Chemists’ Symposium 2021, presenting SYNERGY project and the research carried out at POLITO on batteries. Sabrina participated in the poster session and also gave a presentation.
SYNERGY Partners Meeting
Many thanks to our POLITO partners for hosting the SYNERGY M12 meeting at their organisation on the 18th and 19th of November. After a year of remote meetings, SYNERGY partners were finally able to meet in person to discuss the project outcomes and plan a series of exciting activities for the upcoming year.
Special thanks once again to Silvia Bodoardo, Federico Bella and Sabrina Trano for such a lovely time.
Federico Bella receives two medals from the Italian Chemical Society
Another fantastic achievement by Federico Bella, professor of DiSAT Dipartimento di Scienza Applicata e Tecnologia (Department of Applied Science and Technology). He received two medals, “Ivano Bertini” and “Giorgio Squinzi”, awarded by the Italian Chemical Society. The medals were awarding his abilities in the area of chemical sciences and his activity in the field of polymeric materials for energy. Full article can be found here.
Professor Rodrigo Martins has been interviewed for Exame Informática
In an interview for Exame Informática, in November 2021 edition, Professor Rodrigo Martins, Full Professor at FCT|NOVA and Director of CEMOP-UNINOVA, shares his vision on the explanations for the “global chips crisis”.
Being involved in the development of a completely new line of materials, such as transparent electronics or circuits in biodegradable material, such as paper, the SYNERGY Coordinator sees this crisis as an opportunity.
“We need to change the mindset. It is in these moments of cleavage that we feel the need to think differently and create new solutions.”
To read the full article click here.
Elvira Fortunato wins the ‘Portugal’s Women’s Leadership Award’
Professor Elvira Fortunato is the winner of ‘Portugal’s Women’s Leadership Award’, an international award which aims to distinguish women all over the world who stand out in different areas of activity. Fortunato states that she is “delighted to receive this international award. In addition to the recognition of the work I have developed over the years in the area of sustainable materials where paper electronics is included, it is also a way to promote gender equality, which has been a strong bet of NOVA University of Lisbon in recent years”.
Full article can be found at here.