Professor Elvira Fortunato is announced as the winner of the ‘FEMS Materials Innovation Prize’ awarded by FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies)

Professor Elvira Fortunato, SYNERGY coordinator, is the winner of the ‘FEMS Materials Innovation Prize’, awarded for her work on functional and sustainable materials. Elvira Fortunato said “Scientists in the field of materials science play a fundamental role in the choice of materials and technologies for the emerging solutions that the planet is facing”.

The full news release and list of winners and can be found here.

The SYNERGY Project has been mentioned in an article by Nature Portfolio

The renowned ‘Nature Portfolio’ mentions SYNERGY project in an article with SYNERGY Coordinator Elvira Fortunato, where she introduces the Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication.

The electronic circuits printed on paper are featured in the full article, which can be found here.

Elvira Fortunato is awarded with a gold medal, commemorating the 50thAnniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Ceremony for the 2020 Human Rights Prize, which took place at the Assembly of the Republic on July 7th 2021, saw professors and researchers from the NOVA University of Lisbon, Elvira Fortunato and Maria do Rosário Martins, awarded with gold medals. The medals were to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

 Full article can be found here.